Two Features of Democracy

Concept Explanation

Two Features of Democracy

Two features of democracy: The story from Chile was of a democratic government which was replaced by a non-democratic government, which was followed by restoration of democracy. In Poland, we found the transition from a non-democratic government to a democratic government. There were many differences between Pinochet’s rule in Chile and the communist rule in Poland. Chile was ruled by a military dictator, while Poland was ruled by a political party. The government of Poland claimed that it was ruling on behalf of the working classes. On the other hand, Pinochet openly favoured big capitalists.

However, Poland and Chile have some common features during non-democratic rule like

• The people could not choose or change their rulers.

• There was no real freedom to express one’s opinions, form political associations or organise protests and political action.

Communist State: A state governed by a Communist Party without allowing other parties to compete for power. The state controls all the big properties and industries.

Martial Law: A system of rules that takes effect when a military authority takes control of the normal administration of justice

Approaches of Allende Walesa and Bachelet: So far, we have read about three democratic governments: Allende’s Chile, Walesa’s Poland and Bachelet’s Chile. Each of them have had a different approach towards social and economic matters. Allende preferred government control on big industries and the economy. Walesa wanted the market to government interference. Bachelet stood somewhere in the middle on these issues. Though, these three governments share some basic features. It was that the power was in the hands three governments. The government was elected by the people and not by the army, unelected leaders or any external power.


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